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    Project meeting in Lithuania.

    Report of the 2nd Transnational Project Meeting in Lithuania

    8 - 11 October 2018

    Project: "What's your impact on earth?"



    Joniskio "Ausros" gimnazija

    Joniskis,  Lithuania

     Topic discussed during the meeting- part 1:

    1.Reminder of the main assumptions of the project:


    Main goals of our project, methods:


    • to develop open and innovative education concerning formal and non-formal learning activities based on learning by doing,
    • encourage students in taking part in activities in and outside the classrooms,
    • special attention to working methods and resources for learners in a disadvantaged situation: the use of ICT will increase the quality and relevance of education because will facilitates the access to all level of students,
    • ensure continuation of tasks on the Edmodo educational platform,
    • adoption of new methods and tools, ad by collaborative, innovative and good practices,
    • provides innovative methods which will help the students to feel more confident about learning and involve their  active participation in the process of understanding science,


    Students' activities:


    • school and outdoor activities
    • ICT
    • virtual class on EDMODO,
    • live sessions - Skype
    • exchange results, materials, communication on eTwinning
    • sharing practice, experiences
    • use of new methods, tools
    • interdisciplinary approach
    • laboratories
    • discussions
    • professional preparation - interest in new technologies, renewable energy sources


    Topic discussed during the meeting - part 2:


    1. Task for the school year 2018/2019




    Decision taken, discussion






    Educational platform Edmondo


    ·      Students will communicate on EDMODO before going to Estonia and Italy as well.


    ·         Hungary will prepare the task on water and publish on EDMODO platform. Students will do the tasks and publish the process and results.

    ·         Italy will put the task on EDMODO on food.






    eTwinning projects


    ·         We summarized two projects on the subject of air and soil protection.

    ·         In the new school year, we will continue to work on eTwinning in two further projects on water protection and food quality.







    SWOT analysis

    ·         SWOT -  evaluation of the project, each country will provide a SWOT analysis after the first year of project and after the ending of the project.

    ·         The analysis from all countries will be collected by Polish coordinator and published on the website.






     We will continue our work on the website as last year.





    WATER protection

    October 2018 -February 2019


    Preparatory phase workshops : evaluate water quality


    ·         Each country will study the topic and choose methods and activities suitable for them. After lessons or workshops carried out  at schools we will share lesson plans, results on the webpage;

    ·         Each student will study the ecological vocabulary connected to the topic to be prepared for the workshop in Estonia.

    ·         Teachers and students will compare methods used by each partner.





    “Water around us”



    ·         Students will learn the Biotic index.

    ·         Then they will take water samples. Each country chooses one kind of water - river, pond, lake (depending on the area).

    ·         Each country will have the results of water  quality around us. We will compare them in Estonia: bad, good, excellent.

    ·         Each school will write scrap-book with pictures and information about exploring life in water (rivers, pond or  lakes) a book with pictures, images.

    ·         Partners can choose if it is paper or digital book. It can be a slide show as well. It is free choice to create the book. Estonia will choose the best program to create a digital book and share with all partners. Students  will learn new program.

    ·         We will publish our books on the website, eTwinning ect.


     “Good to know”




    ·         Each country will write advice to reduce water pollution (e.g.: how to remove stains from clothes/wood/steel/ceramic without using substances that pollute environment and prefer natural remedies-exchange of good ideas among countries.

    ·         Make presentations or video, interview. Put them to the web, eTwinning. Advices at home, at school, local community.



    “Water inquiry”




    ·      A group of "detectives“ in classes at each school will find out what everyone drinks/waste, then make graphs and posters. It can be done in different ways (paper, digital) and taken to Estonia or put in the website, eTwinning, EDMODO.

    ·         Portugal prepares the new questionnaire on WATER (about 10 questions) using the Internet tools and we discuss the results in Estonia.




    Students participating to the third mobility will be selected.




    According to the schools' own regulations






    Workshops in Estonia

    March 2019








    Date: 25-29 March 2019  

    The detailed program will be presented in January.


    The detailed program will be presented in January.



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