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    Szkoła Podstawowa w Dominikowicach

    Our school is located in a small village Dominikowice, in the south-east part of Poland. It was set up in 1905. Its patron is Adam Mickiewicz, a famous Polish poet.
    There are about 180 students, aged 7- 15, and 21 teachers at our school.
    The school consists of a common room, a canteen, a library, a gym, a sports field and well-equipped classrooms.
    There are two non-governmental organizations functioning at our school: Youth Sport Association and Cultural and Educational Association of Dominikowice Village.

    School website address:



    Szkoła Podstawowa w Dominikowicach
    38-303 Kobylanka


    +48 18 353 17 53

    Project coordinators' at schools:

    Małgorzata Takeuchi (email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
    Ewa Stępień (email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

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